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Chinese translation for "private eye"


Related Translations:
private:  adj.1.私的,私人的,个人的,私用的,专用的。2.秘密的;保密的;非公开的;(信件等)亲启的。3.(财产等)私有的;私营的;民间的;(学校等)私立的。4.平民的;无官职的;士兵的。5.(地方等)隐蔽的,幽僻的。6.不宜公开谈论[显露]的。7.〔古语〕隐遁的。短语和例子private life 私生活。 private coach [teacher, tutor] 家庭教
private practice:  私人开业。
private soldier:  列兵,士兵。
private school:  私立学校。
private secretary:  私人秘书。
basic private:  〔美国〕陆军三等兵。
private theatricals:  业余戏剧演出。
private detective:  〔美国〕人事调查所员,私人侦探。
private treaty:  (买卖双方直接议定条件的)财产出让契约。
buck private:  〔美俚〕大兵。
Example Sentences:
1.Are you having me tailed by the private eye ?
2.- private eye , huh ? - looks good on the resume
-私家侦探,哼? -履历看起来不错
3.Private eye , huh ? - looks good on the resume
私家侦探,哼? -履历看起来不错
4.And the private eye and his jack russell headed downtown
5.Listen , there ' s a work thing . - are you still a private eye
6.- listen , there ' s a work thing . - are you still a private eye
7.Private eyes sacd version
8.Man bor jackie chan is a wacky girl crazy private eye with a penchant for fast cars
清子因偷听到劫船阴谋,四处逃避追杀,但大. .
9.Title song is the theme song for the hui brother ' s third film the private eyes
10.A name synonymous with the hardboiled genre , chandler ' s most famous character is philip marlowe , a tough private eye with a smart mouth
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